The developers have released a new update Clash of Clans.

Thank you for all your reports and feedback so far! We have released an optional update to the app stores that contains some bug fixes and optimizations:
- Fix a bug where players could almost immediately be disconnected from the Capital Practice Attack on starting it.
- Fix a bug where if players loaded a Capital district and then went back to the Capital Map and tried to play the Capital Practice Attack this would fail to work;
- Allow placement of Decorations to the edge of Village map when buying them;
- Fixed Builder Base tall grass rendering;
- Hide the Events tab in the News/Events screen when in the Capital, as deep-links and events with rewards do not work correctly;
- Enable dark clouds in Capital map;
- Enable dark clouds in War map;
- Open Forge UI from Builder menu;
- Speed up crafting animation in Forge UI by 10x while Builder Potion is active;
- Fix infinite loop in map button between last 2 visiting Capitals
- Fix wrong stats showing in “Player Profile” Clan Capital tab;
- Client side fix for Building and Trap mode/direction showing wrong during War Preparation