Home / Download / Download Null’s Brawl with new brawlers – Belle and Squeak

Download Null’s Brawl with new brawlers – Belle and Squeak

Updated: 22.05.2021. Null’s Brawl 35.179 is available for download.

A big update in the Brawl Stars game. Many new skins. Two new brawlers, one of them chromatic and a new game mode. Everything we love is coming in Season 6 of Brawl Pass.


Belle is the Chromatic Fighter in Season 6 of Brawl Pass. She’s a thug who robs banks. Belle is a marksman, and when using the main attack, the projectile from her gun will bounce from target to target until it splits.


Squeak is a new brawler and will be available in an update. An alien creature that evolved from the drool accumulated on dog toys. He throws exploding toys that stick to walls and fighters thanks to the dog’s saliva.

What’s new?

  • New Brawlers: Belle and Squeak;
  • New Knockout Mode;
  • The mechanics of replays have been updated;
  • Added many new skins for other brawlers.

Download Latest Brawl Stars With New Brawlers

The latest version of the private server Brawl Stars and Null’s Brawl with the new brawlers Belle and Squeak is now available.

About admin

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  1. Please make it fast and without bugs

  2. Which day is it coming?

  3. Kann ich bitte die Version haben mit belle und squek

  4. When will u admins release

  5. É amanhã?

  6. A atualização do alpha?

  7. Is it on the 6th?

  8. Please, make a private Server with Belle an Squek. I want it.

  9. Ich will das spiel

  10. Plz belle and skuac

  11. Update plz

  12. When will the update release

  13. When do we update us to the new version?

  14. when the null version will come out with all the brawlers and there’s also a bug in leon that he isn’t invisible even from a distance I hope they do it

  15. I love you nulls brawl

    Hello when is the new nulls brawl squeak and belle??? Also why nulls brawl alpha?? Why Alpha?

  16. quero munto estalar a nova verção do null brawl tomare que chega rapido a nova verção ne

  17. When will null brawl belle private server come? admin pls tell me the date

  18. quando que vai chegar a verção pa o null brawl alpha

  19. quando que vai chegar a nova verção para o null brawl alpha?

  20. Pueden ponerlo en su nulls brawl porfavor estoy ansioso

  21. Plz when is the update

    Admin when is the new nulls brawl Alpha update plz reply

  22. Supercell Deep Web

    A Atualização sai Nesse fim de semana ainda ou só na semana que vem adm?

  23. Will be alpha or just plain null’s brawl?

  24. Hey admin u said a week but its been more than a week plz bring it fast 🙁 i m waiting a lot for it.

  25. Will it also include Squeak already or it will come in May with real brawl stars ?

  26. Admin bring accessories and star power to your characters like Edgar in the new update. Let’s open the brawl pass too ?

  27. Administracion cuando ponen el null brawl Belle y Squeak

  28. Hey admin, the null’s brawl update is today?

  29. wann wird belle verfügbar sein also in nulls brawl ?

  30. I am wating for the update

  31. i love this update

  32. Bs silmek zorundamıyim

  33. Admin why i enter the null brawl alpha its say Maintenance pls try again.how to fix it?

  34. Ma lesz az update??

  35. İ Want NULLS BRAWL WİTH BELLE Ò-Ó(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

  36. Das ist ein cooles Spiel.✌️

  37. The update will come tomorrow with belle and squeak and the other stuff….

  38. Când apare actualizarea a trecut o săptămână și jumătate

  39. Plz BE QUICK I am waiting a lot of time like the other people that want the update. PLZ BRING IT FAST ? ?

  40. Admin can you tell me when is the update pls…??

  41. Hey, I have three questions about Null’s Brawl:
    1) Is there a possibility of getting banned if I play Null’s Brawl?
    2) Does it use my normal Brawl Stars account? (Because normal brawl stars has to be downloaded in order for Null’s to work)
    3) Do you match with players that also play normal Brawl Stars or only peope on Null’s’ servers?

  42. Why are there no infinite gems and gold coins?

  43. adm please when the update comes out seriously want to play with Belle and skin and esquack

  44. Cuando estara pliss haga lo rápido quiero probar a squeek

  45. May 1st or 2nd nulls Brawl I want to play with Belle and Esquack please answer

  46. I cant wait anymore !

  47. Yo you said we will get the update in a week

  48. When its the Update of null’s?

  49. Belle ve squek 2 güne gelecek

  50. Plz when is the update

    Admin update today?

  51. 8-9 of May?

  52. It’s been a month.. and the admin said it will be on a week.

  53. Thank U for the update

  54. Takedown is not working in updated version and also pls try to add other limited game modes such as present plunder for friendly battles

  55. Admin the server is down???

  56. Will there ever be IOS version (.IPA)?

  57. Are you updating the game? It tells me that I have a bad connection and my connection is fine

  58. Hristijan ivanov

    Could you put power league in null’s brawl please?